- Employment Based Visa
- EB-1A: Workers with extraordinary ability
- EB-1B: Outstanding foreign researchers or professors
- EB-1C: Managers and executives transferred from multinational corporations
- EB-2: Professionals holding an advanced degree with a U.S. job
Workers with exceptional ability and a U,S, job offer - EB-3: Professional workers
Skilled workers
Unskilled workers - EB-4: Special immigrants
- EB-5: Immigrant investors
- H1B Visa: Visa for Foreign Workers in Specialty Occupation
- Immigration of Alien Relatives of U.S. Citizens and Legal Permanent Residents
- U.S. Naturalization
- Real Estate Transaction
- Matrimonial Matters
- Criminal Defense
- Other Visa Application, Extension and modification:
- Business Visa
- International Student Visa
- Employment Visa
- Exchange Student, Scholar Visa
- U.S. Citizen’s Alien Financé
- U.S. Citizen’s Spouse Visa
- Foreign Executives or Managers Long Term Employment Visa in the U.S.
- 投资移民
- 结婚绿卡
- 移民工作签证H-1B
- L-1签证
- 政治庇护
- 离婚
- 特殊人才
- 房地产买卖、租赁等
- 刑事案件
- 入籍美国
- 各种签证申请,延期或更改
- 商务签证和旅游签证( B1,B2)
- 国际学生签证并同其配偶,子女(F1,F2)
- 工作签证并同其配偶, 子女(H1-H4)
- 交换生,学术签证并同其配偶, 子女(J1-J2)
- 美国公民未婚夫妻签证(K1)
- 美国公民夫妻签证(K3)
- 外国商人和专家在美长期工作签证并同配偶子女(L1-L2)
- 进入职业,技术或非学术性学校攻读正规课程的学生签证 (M1)
- 具有杰出贡献的专家和学者并同其配有, 子女(O1-O3)
- 国际认证艺术家和运动员签证(P1-P3)
- 短期赴美进行职业性宗教工作的人士(即宗教工作者的签证)(R)
- 受到严重的肉体和精神折磨的犯罪行为受害人协助官方调查的情况下得到一些移民法规定的一定的居留权签证 (U)